House session today: Will UML obstruct?

KATHMANDU, May 17: Meetings of both the upper and lower houses of parliament are scheduled for this afternoon. The main opposition party, CPN-UML, has been obstructing the house sessions continuously for the past few months.

The CPN-UML is currently holding discussions regarding its role in today’s sessions. The party has so far not made any formal decision either to obstruct or support the house proceedings.

“The party is currently in discussions about the party's role and strategy regarding upcoming house sessions,” said Bishal Bhattarai, the chief whip of the party.

Meanwhile, the party has already decided not to participate in the Business Advisory Committee meeting summoned ahead of the parliament meeting.

The party has been obstructing the House sessions, accusing the Speaker Agni Sapkota of not taking action against 14 lawmakers sacked by the party. The party has also filed a writ petition at the Supreme Court and the case is currently sub-judice at the apex court.

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