RPP to boycott NA polls in all provinces except in Province 1

KATHMANDU, Jan 25: Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) has decided to boycott Wednesday’s elections for vacant seats in the National Assembly (NA) except for Province 1. 

A meeting of the party’s office-bearers presided by Chairman Rajendra Lingden held on Tuesday took a decision to this effect. 

The pro-monarchy and pro-Hindu party has fielded two candidates --- Ambar Bahadur Bista and Ranju Pyakurel --- in Province 1. 

Tuesday’s meeting also directed its voters to vote in favor of the candidates duo Bista and Pyakurel. 

According to Bhuwan Pathak, the party’s general secretary, the party will boycott voting for NA members in other provinces. “The party took such a decision as no candidate belongs to the party in the other six provinces,” Pathak said. 

The Election Commission is holding elections for 19 seats in the upper House of parliament on Wednesday. The 19 NA members are completing their four-year tenure on March 4. 

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