RPP Gen Convention starts today, Thapa, Lingden vying for post of party’s Chair

KATHMANDU, December 1: A day after the 10th National Convention of the main opposition party, CPN-UML ended on Tuesday at Sauraha, the General Convention of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) is kicking off in Kathmandu on Wednesday.

The party is holding its National Congress for the first time after a unification of three RPPs.

According to Kunti Shahi, leader of RPP, all the preparations for the Convention have been completed.

Current Chairman of the party, Kamal Thapa and general secretary Rajendra Lingden are contesting for the post of the party’s Chairman. Lingden has been backed up by Chairman Dr Prakash Chandra Lohani andDr Dwala Shumsher Rana.

Likewise, Thapa has been supported by leaders including Deepak Bohora, Buddhiman Tamang, Druba Pradan, Jyant Chand, Roshan Karki, Uddhav Poudel and Bhuvan Phatak.

As many as 4,400 representatives are expected to attend the convention. The convention will elect 147 working committee members as well.

The convention will be held for three days in the capital.

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