Health Minister Tripathi hints at enforcing health emergency (with video)

KATHMANDU, May 24: Minister for Health and Population, Hridayesh Tripathi has hinted at imposing a health emergency amid the worsening health crisis triggered by the second wave of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19. 

Speaking at a press conference in the ministry on Monday, Minister Tripathi said the government is holding a series of discussions on implementation of the health crisis as  the second wave of the corona epidemic is ravaging at its worst. 

Ministry Secretary Laxman Aryal said that the government will take necessary decisions based on the suggestions received from  public health experts.

“Despite the political turmoil in the country, the health ministry is constantly fighting against the pandemic,” said Minister Tripathi, adding that the government is negotiating with the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Russia and other countries regarding the procurement of vaccines against corona.

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