Lumbini Province’s incident undemocratic: NC President Deuba

KATHMANDU, May 1: President of main opposition Nepali Congress (NC) Sher Bahadur Deuva stated that the NC has seriously taken whatever had happened in the Lumbini Province on Sunday.

Issuing a press statement on Sunday, NC President Deuba blamed that particular event that took place in Lumbini Province had violated the constitution. 

Chief Minister of Lumbini Province Shankar Pokharel tendered his resignation from his post, ahead of the day when the voting on the no-confidence motion was scheduled to be held. He was, however, re-appointed as the chief minister of the province. 

Deuba, also former Prime Minister, claimed that the resignation was tendered after learning that the CPN (UML) lost clear majority and the move came as an act to ward off the no-confidence motion in the Province Assembly. He asserted that reappointment of Pokharel as the chief minister following the resignation was illogical politically, constitutionally and morally. 

Furthermore, Deuba argued that tendering resignation during the time when the process for no-confidence motion was moving ahead and ending the session of Province Assembly were also against the spirit of constitution and parliamentary system, said Deuba in the statement.

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