Bimalendra Nidhi is coordinator of BDA taskforce

Kathmandu - The first meeting of the taskforce of the Broader Democratic Alliance (BDA) formed under the leadership of the major ruling party, the Nepali Congress, has unanimously chosen NC central member Bimalendra Nidhi as the taskforce coordinator. 

Various six political parties had, on Wednesday, decided to forge an alliance of the forces supporting democracy in the upcoming House of Representatives and State Assemblies elections. 

This follows an agreement on Tuesday among the CPN (UML), the CPN (Maoist Centre) and the Naya Shakti Party on building an electoral alliance and ultimately on party unification. 

The meeting of the BDA taskforce held at the Prime Minister's residence at Baluwatar this morning made this decision. It also decided to hold discussions in its next meeting on the topic of allocation of seats, the common minimum programme of the alliance among other topics in view of the House of Representatives and State Assemblies elections slated for November 26 and December 7. 

As per the information shared by NC leader Purna Bahadur Khadka, who is on the taskforce, the taskforce's next meeting this evening will hold extensive discussions on the common minimum programme of the alliance. 

He said Buddhiman Tamang from the Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), Bikram Pandey from the RPP (Democratic), Ram Sahaya Yadav from the Federal Socialist Forum Nepal, Sarbenda Nath Shukla from the Rastriya Janata Party Nepal and Ram Janam Chaudhary from the Nepal Democratic Forum attended the taskforce meeting. 

Khadka stated that the BDA has been constituted for implementing the constitution and fulfilling the remaining tasks of the peace process. The taskforce will next meet at 5 pm today. 

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