Task force members finalized

Kathmandu - The broader democratic alliance formed under the leadership of the Nepali Congress (NC) has finalized the names of the leaders to be inducted in the taskforce. 

The ruling Nepali Congress and five other political parties have decided to form the democratic alliance to collaborate in the upcoming elections to the House of Representatives and State Assemblies. 

The task force comprises leaders Bimalendra Nidhi, Purna Bahadur Khadka and Dr Minendra Rijal from the Nepali Congress, Buddiman Tamang of RPP, and Bikram Pandey from RPP-Democratic.
Likewise, the Federal Socialist Forum Nepal is represented by Ramsahaya Yadav, RJP Nepal's Sarbendra Nath Shukla and Ram Janam Chaudhary of Nepal Democratic Forum. The task force is scheduled to meet at 8:00 am on Friday, according to NC leader Dr Rijal. 

The task force to forge an alliance of the democratic forces has been formed in wake of the electoral alliance forged by the CPN-UML, CPN (MC) and the Naya Shakti Party last Tuesday. 

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