More than 120 Yaks go missing in Mustang avalanche

KATHMANDU, November 15: More than 120 Yaks have gone missing in an avalanche that occurred in the Thasang Rural Municipality-2 of Mustang district on Sunday. 

The avalanche occurred at the Manapathi Mountain that lies on the top hill of Kowang, Larjung, Boksikhola and Naurikot. It has been assumed that these missing Yaks could have been washed away by the avalanche.  

Ward chairperson Nar Prasad Hirachan shared that the avalanche also blew away the roof of a house at Naurikot. 

"Some 11 teachers and students of Janaadarsha Amarsingh Secondary School of Kobang who sustained minor injuries in a stampede during an avalanche have returned home after treatment in Jomsom", he further informed. 

Out of a total of 130 Yaks owned by Bhim Sherchan and Sakendra Gauchan, only 22 have been found. 

Chief District Officer Netra Prasad Sharma stated that only 10-12 out of 130 Yak were seen through binoculars and missing Yak were presumably buried in an avalanche. 

The avalanche has swept away trees and also caused damages to the habitat of wildlife. 

Even vehicular movement was disrupted along the Beni-Jomsom road section. 

The snow burst has also caused damage to house roofs and grains stored in the area.  

A government team comprising federal parliamentarian Prem Prasad Tulachan, Province Assembly member Chandra Mohan Gauchan, Mahendra Thakali and CDO Sharma, among others made a visit to the avalanche-hit areas to take stock of damage caused. 

Detailed information of loss and damage is being collected, according to the local police. 

It is noted the unseasoned avalanche took place due to rise in temperature and climate change effects.

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