Locals face trouble with closure of border points

Border points of Tallo Swarad of the district have remained closed for the past 11 months. Mobility of the people has been troubled with the closure of the border points – the definite areas through which people move across the Mahakali River by boats. 

The points of Tallo Swarad have been shut since April 2020 in an effort to prevent and control coroanvirus infection. 

The Nagarjunghat and Kusmadghat points of Shivanath rural municipality, Balarghat, Doyaghat, Rolghat, Dimnbarghat, Panchesworghat, Binayakghat and Dharamghat points have closed since last year. 

Due to the closure of the points, people here are compelled to go India through Jhulaghat entry point by spending two days. In addition, people have to buy daily essential goods in a higher price due to closure of the entry points, said Birendra Mahata, a local. 

The supply of goods was made possible from India when the points were open. The shutdown of the points have discontinued the supply which has direct bearing on the consumers. 

Locals of Tallo Sworad use boats in the Mahakali River for crossing the entry points. People who rely on nearby Indian markets for daily essential goods are now facing trouble due to the closure of the pass ways.

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