Myanmar president urges for proper preparation of upcoming general election

YANGON–Myanmar President U Win Myint has urged for proper preparation of the holding of a free and fair general election in 2020, according to the Union Election Commission (UEC) Wednesday.

Meeting with the UEC, led by its Chairman U Hla Thein, in the capital of Nay Pyi Taw Tuesday, the president called for preparation of voters list, formation of all levels of election sub-commissions systematically, proper assignment of election officials, full security of the stations and demarcation of constituencies as well as ensuring that constituents have full voting rights.

U Win Myint also instructed to prevent election crimes and election irregularities, conduct vote counting correctly and announce election results under law.

The National League for Democracy (NLD), led by Aung San Suu Kyi, won a landslide victory in 2015 general election and began to run the government on April 1, 2016 for five-year term under the constitution.

Over NLD government's first three years in office, two by-elections were also held in April 2017 and November 2018 respectively to elect representatives to fill the vacant seats in the parliament, the majority of which was won by the NLD. ---

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