Mahottari so far reports five deaths caused by floods

Mahottari - Mahottari, a Terai district in the central Nepal has so far reported five floods-related deaths.

A dead body of a man who seemed to be in his 50's was found at Manara Rural Municipality, Wednesday. With this, the number of deaths caused by the disaster in the district has reached five, the District Police Office, Mahottari confirmed. However, the identity of the latest victim is yet to be ascertained.

Earlier, 40-year-old Mahesh Singh was electrocuted in floodwater at Bhangaha Rural Municipality-7 while 65-year-old Shiva Mahara of Jaleshwor-8, Dhanusha who arrived here to meet his daughter was swept away in the flooding. The remaining two victims are Indal Mahara of Loharpatti and 15-year-old Bikki Kumar Thakur from Khairachowk, Jaleshwor-2. Likewise, a search for a person missing in the flooding is underway. Police preliminary data shows that hundreds of houses were completely damaged by floods in the district.

The Nepalese Army, Armed Police Force and the Nepali Police have continued rescues works in the disaster-affected areas, the District Natural Disaster Committee, Mahottari said.

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