French president calls for cooperation with China on multilateralism

PARIS –French President Emmanuel Macron said here on Wednesday that France is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China in international affairs and to work together to safeguard multilateralism. 
Macron made the remarks in talks with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Elysee Palace. 
Macron asked Wang to convey his sincere greetings to Chinese President Xi Jinping. 

France attaches great importance to France-China relations, and hopes to seize the opportunity of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations to promote high-level exchanges between the two sides, deepen mutual cooperation in such areas as economy, trade, investment, nuclear energy as well as aerospace, and strengthen cultural, educational and youth exchanges, said Macron. Chinese companies are welcomed in France, he added. Wang conveyed Xi's cordial greetings to Macron. 

Wang said ever since Macron's visit to China more than a year ago, consensuses reached between the two heads of state have been steadily implemented and cooperation in various fields has yielded positive results, demonstrating the highness of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and France as well as the great potential of bilateral cooperation. 

In 2019, China and France will celebrate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, said Wang, adding that China is willing to strengthen high-level exchanges between the two sides, and deepen cooperation in areas of nuclear energy and innovation, as well as within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. 

China is also ready to strengthen communication and cooperation with France on multilateral issues such as climate change, and to safeguard the current international system that has the United Nations at its core, so as to enrich the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership, said Wang. 

China's door will open wider, Wang stressed, adding that China is willing to provide a sound investment environment for all foreign companies including those from France. 

Wang arrived in Paris on Wednesday to hold the 18th consultation of the coordinators for the China-France Strategic Dialogue with the French president's diplomatic advisor Philippe Etienne. 

During his stay in Paris, Wang will also hold talks with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.Enditem 

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