About 12 pct German families have three or more children: census

BERLIN – About 12 percent of families in Germany have at least three children, according to statistics published by the Federal Statistical Office on Tuesday, also the International Day of Families, based on results of a micro census taken in 2016. 

Married couples were twice likelier to have three or more children than couples in cohabitation or single parents, according to the statistics which showed 14 percent of all married couples in Germany had at least three children. 

Very large families are rarely found in Germany, the statistics said. In 2016, only 9,000 families were counted with seven and more children, which represented less than 0.1 percent of all families with children across the country. 
The International Day of the Families was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993 to show importance the international community attaches to families. Enditem 

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