Iran denounces Israel allegations as "worthless show"

TEHRAN –Iranian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday denounced Israeli prime minister's nuclear allegations against Iran as "worthless show." 

Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Baharm Qasemi, said in a statement that "the ridiculous propagandist presentations of the premier of the Zionist regime (of Israel) is one of the latest shameful and worthless shows about Iran's nuclear program." 

The allegations were "merely aimed at spreading lies and deception," said Qasemi. 
In a televised presentation on Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu disclosed files allegedly obtained by Israel's intelligence from Iran's "secret nuclear archive," saying the files prove Iran has secretly worked on nuclear weapons. 

The nuclear deal, signed in July 2015, was designed to limit Iran's nuclear program in exchange for the removal of international sanctions on Iran. 

"Even after the deal, Iran continued to preserve and expand its nuclear weapons know-how for future use" at the Fordow nuclear testing site, said Netanyahu. 

The disclosure came ahead of Trump's looming deadline on May 12 to decide whether to extend the waiver on nuclear-related sanctions against Iran. Enditem 

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