790 Kurdish militia killed in Turkey's Afrin operation: Turkish military

ANKARA,  A total of 790 members of Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), People's Protection Units (YPG) and Islamic State (IS) have been killed since the beginning of Turkey's operation into Syria's Afrin district on Jan. 20, the Turkish military said on Thursday. 
On Wednesday and Thursday, Turkish Armed Forces "carried out airstrikes overnight on the shelters, positions, arms, and equipment of the terrorists, destroying 18 more terrorist targets and neutralizing 78 militants," according to a General Staff statement. 
The operation is continuing under the framework of Turkey's rights within international law and UN Security Council resolution, avoiding harming any civilians, the statement added. 
On Jan. 20, Turkish military launched the cross-border land operation to fight the Syrian Kurdish militia, targeting the YPG elements in the Kurdish enclave with Free Syrian Army fighters through airstrikes and land forces. Enditem 

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