18 km road constructed by collecting donations

MYAGDI, Feb 6: An alternative road connecting Ghodepani, a tourist spot in Annapurna Rural Municipality-6 of Myagdi, has been constructed. The road network is connected from Mahabhir to Gharamdi and from Tikot to Thulakharka and Pyaribharani lakes in Ward No. 7 of Annapurna.

This has facilitated the residents of Ghodepani, Gharamdi, Tikot as well as tourists visiting Ghodepani. Earlier, Ghodepani road was passing from Pokhrebagar to Ghar-Khibang-Sikh-Chitre.

About 18 kilometers of the road has been constructed by collecting more than 10 million rupees in donations, said Ward Chairman Gum Prasad Fagami. The road from Mahabhir to Gharamdi-Pyaribharani connecting Ghodepani is about 30 minutes faster than Pokhrebagar. He shared that the road from Mahabhir of Beni-Jomsom road to Thulakharka was connected to Pyarabharai lake with at an additional cost of Rs. 500,000.

Similarly, with the grant of Rs. 1.2 million from the rural municipality and Rs. 800,000 from provincial government the 5 km road was built from Tikot to Thulakhar via Matheni.

Tirtha Bahadur Fagami of Gharamdi said that the number of devotees and tourists visiting Peri Bharani Lake has increased along with the convenience of road transport. "A fair is held here on the occasion of Janaipurnima with the belief that if one worships here, one's aspirations will be fulfilled," he said. Ghodepani, situated at an altitude of 2,800 meters above sea level, is the gateway to the famous tourist site of Punhill.

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