Two girls go missing in river

JHIMRUK, July 20: Two girls have gone missing after being swept away by a river in Pyuthan.
The girls vanished in the Madi River while they were swimming, the District Police Office Pyuthan said. The missing girls are eight-year-old Bipana Thapa Magar, daughter of Bom Bahadur Thapa Magar and seven-year-old Sharmila Thapa Magar, daughter of Num Bahadur Thapa Magar of Sarumarani rural municipality-4.
Office information officer, Police Inspector Devi Prasad Gaire said the girls disappeared at around 3:00 pm on Monday in the river. According to locals, the girls left the home taking goats for grazing.
The police with the help of locals are searching for the girls, it is said.
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