Half of likely U.S. voters approve of Trump's job performance: poll


WASHINGTON – Half of likely voters in the United States said they approved of President Donald Trump's job performance, while 49 percent of voters said they disapproved, according to the right-leaning Rasmussen Reports' daily Presidential Tracking Poll on Monday. 

Among the polled, 33 percent said they strongly approved of Trump's performance as president, while 39 percent said they strongly disapproved. 

The latest polling results put Trump ahead of where his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, was at this stage in his presidency, according to the Rasmussen Reports poll, which was conducted among 1,500 likely voters with a margin of error of 2.5 percentage points on a three-day rolling average basis.

A left-leaning CNN poll found last week that Trump had reached his highest approval rating in more than a year, at 42 percent, while 54 percent said they disapproved of the president's job performance. 

The Rasmussen Reports poll came after a series of shakeups within the Trump administration, including the departures of former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and former Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin. 

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