Comprehensive deal reached between Islam Army, Russians for Damascus' Douma



DAMASCUS – A comprehensive deal has been reached between the Islam Army rebels and the Russians about the situation of the Douma district, the last rebel-held area in Damascus' Eastern Ghouta countryside, state news agency SANA reported on Sunday. 
The official news agency said the deal will see the evacuation of the Islam Army rebels toward the rebel-held Jarablus city in the northern countryside of Aleppo province. 

Other rebels who don't want to leave will be included in the reconciliation process to settle their legal status. The militants will also have to hand over their heavy and medium weaponry to the Syrian state, according to SANA. 
The deal also ensures the return of state institutions to Douma to assume their duties. The deal includes the release of all kidnapped civilians and military personnel from the Islam Army prisons in Douma as well as the bodies of the slain soldiers. 
Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights was cited by the Saudi-funded Alarabiya TV as saying that the Russian military police will enter Douma to "reassure the civilians." 

Also, a military wing in the Islam Army called Abdul-Rahman Kakeh is expected to leave for rebel-held areas in the northwestern Idlib province. According to the observatory, the civilians who are not linked to the Islam Army can head to any destination and the wounded will be evacuated to northern Syria. 

Meanwhile, the Syrian state media outlets said that a group of Failaq al-Rahman rebels evacuated Douma on Sunday, as this group had been in control of several towns that have fallen to the Syrian army in central Eastern Ghouta. 
The rebels left through the crossing between Douma and the Wafideen area northeast of Damascus. Earlier in the day, the observatory said that 1,300 civilians, including activists, will evacuate Douma toward rebel-held areas in northern Syria, as part of a preliminary understanding between the Islam Army and the Russian side. 

Those civilians will evacuate Douma through the corridor between Douma and the Wafideen, according to the observatory. 
Negotiations between the Russians and the Islam Army have been ongoing for quite some time, in an attempt to reach an understanding similar to what has been reached in major areas in Eastern Ghouta, where the rebels and their families have completely evacuated their key areas. 

After the last batch left the towns of Jobar, Arbeen, Zamalka and Ayn Tarma on Saturday evening, the entire Eastern Ghouta has become under the government control except for Douma, which is the largest and most densely-populated area in Eastern Ghouta. In its offensive that started late last month, the Syrian army captured large swathes of Eastern Ghouta and when it got close to the four towns, the rebels of Failaq al-Rahman asked for their evacuation. 

The observatory said the only obstacle in the negotiations between the Islam Army and the Russians was the destination of 60,000 rebels and their families in Douma, a large number in comparison with the number that has evacuated the four towns as local reports placed the number of rebels and their families who evacuated other areas of Eastern Ghouta at around 40,000 people. 
Eastern Ghouta, a 105-square-km agricultural region consisting of several towns and farmlands, poses the last threat to the capital due to its proximity to government-controlled neighborhoods east of Damascus and ongoing mortar attacks that target residential areas in the capital, pushing people over the edge. 

Four major rebel groups have been in control of Eastern Ghouta since 2012, namely the Islam Army, Failaq al-Rahman, Ahrar al-Sham, and the Levant Liberation Committee, known as the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front. Enditem 
WASHINGTON -- U.S. President Donald Trump ordered a hold on more than 200 million U.S. dollars in recovery funds for Syria this week, U.S. media reported on Saturday. 

Trump demanded more information on how the money is being used, senior State Department officials were quoted by CNN as saying. He also reportedly wanted to see other countries step up to the plate and pay more. (US-Syria-Fund) 
SEOUL -- Combined forces of South Korea and the United States on Sunday launched the planned joint springtime war game, local media reports said. 

Citing Seoul's defense ministry, local media reported that the Foal Eagle field training exercise started early Sunday as announced. It would last for about four weeks, while the Key Resolve computer-simulated command post exercise would continue for two weeks from mid-April. (S.Korea-U.S.-War Game) 

NEW DELHI -- The death toll in building collapse in central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh Sunday rose to 10 as rescue teams struggled hard to locate bodies and survivors, officials said. 
The building collapsed Saturday night near the crowded Sarvate bus stand in Indore district, about 195 km southwest of Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh. (India-Building Collapse) 

GAZA -- Clashes between Palestinian protestors and Israeli soldiers renewed Saturday afternoon, leaving 35 Palestinians injured, medics said. 

Ashraf al-Qedra, spokesman of the Gaza Health Ministry, told reporters that 35 Palestinian young men were shot and injured by Israeli troops' gunfire all over the Gaza Strip, adding that all the injured were taken to hospitals for medical treatment. (Palestine-Israel-Clashes) 

DAMASCUS -- The Syrian army on Saturday declared a major victory after wresting control over much of the Eastern Ghouta countryside of Damascus. 

In a statement, the army said after a series of "precisely-planned" military actions, the Syrian army has captured 31 towns and areas in Eastern Ghouta, still in fight with the rebels in Douma district, the last rebel stronghold north of Eastern Ghouta. Hundreds of rebels have been killed and their command centers destroyed during the offensive which began late last month, according to the military statement. (Syria-Conflict) RSS 

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